Friday, August 27, 2010

Perfect weather

Well, walking is boring. I have all the audio equipment in the world and a few dogs to pick and choose from to keep me company, but I've been doing it...and guess what? I am sleeping better, making better food choices and I know the sun is doing me a world of good.
I will keep going. I got such good news today...and yes, the bottom could drop out tomorrow, but Claire is doing really really well. I am relieved and happy.
The next project is to keep the men in my life respectful. I watched S1ep2 of The Big C and she talks about this. I hate how our society excuses men from basic manners. I will not let my kid get out of my house that way. It's a freakin uphill battle. And don't get me started on my husband. The problem is, he was raised by wolves.....but, see, now, I'm realizing he's been with me almost as long as he was with his parents. Yes, imprinting, blah blah blah. He needs to "get it".
Anyhow, I am still adjusting to the kid leaving.......I'm striving for perfection in food and exercise next week. Good idea, right?? :) My friend Rosie says, "It's a evolution, not a revolution."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

One Good Year

I'm starting early.... August 23, to be exact. My best friend and I have always called Sept 1 "The New Year". I am starting on August 23 as that's the day after I leave my first baby at college. I've been busy buying all the crap she'll need.....wait, will she even need stamps and envelopes?....and I've severely neglected myself.

I have had a crazy injury which has kept me from exercising. It looks as if I will have to follow my doctor/ nephew's advice and "take some advil and start walkin'--you're in pain anyway." I took this advice from him 5 years ago when I had a different injury. Despite the fact I'm a nurse, it was like a Times Square light ball went on over my head when I heard him say this. I AM in pain anyhow so walking will have to happen. I am in the worst shape ever. But I have a plan:

I am fairly addicted to Rosie Radio....she talks about motherhood, parenting teens (!), Broadway, good books, GLEE!, current events, issues relating to the GLBT (GBLTQLMNOP, as she calls it) communities, documentaries, loss of her mom....I seldom turn it off out of disinterest. She is right in my wheelhouse, as they say.

Ro is the secret weapon in my plan. She is going back on the tube in a year and is going to start a One Year plan to get in shape starting after Labor Day. I, too, want to--wait --NEED to start on a health plan. I purchased a portable satellite radio today and here's the thing..I HAVE to be walking to listen to Rosie Radio. No ifs, ands or buts. I am so addicted, I think it will work. IF I walk 45 minutes, I can go home and continue listening. If not, no Rosie for me. I'm telling you, I will not be able to stay away from any more  opportunities to hear "QUANTUM LEAP ACCELERATOR!!!!!!!!!!"

Wish me luck this weekend as I take my baby- who has been let down by her dad, her boyfriend (wiith one of her girlfriends) and others who should NEVER let a kid down- to college for her to (blessedly) start a new chapter. Naturally, I'm doing that stupid thing of trying to figure out what I'm gonna eat between now and Monday. OA mtg 7a Monday am. Do I have the nerve??